We Die Daily

WE DIE DAILY How can someone say we die daily when we are praying for long life and prosperity most times in our Christian gatherings? One would have thought that death is no longer our portion because we already know where our consistent Holy Ghost fire prayers is directed to, but let’s come to think of it. If last year somebody compelled you to accept 19 years as your new age as against your actual aged of 40 years, what will be your reaction, it is obvious that none of us will be ready to reduce our age except for financial and selfish interest probably. The implication of this is simply that every day of our lives, we get closer to the grave. As we grow old our health is likely to fail us even in the presence of massive wealth accumulation which at this time is as useless as dung. So when next you exclaim ‘Happy New Year’ or ‘Happy Birthday’ be conscious of the fact that we are getting closer to the judgment throne of God. Always remember that 100 years ago we were in somewhere and 100 years to come we shall be somewhere. What happens in between determine where we will spend eternity. 2 Cor. 5:10 ‘ For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad’ . We must live our lives to please God. If you have been touched with this message pray the prayer below; Dear Lord Jesus I confess my sins before you have mercy, forgive me and help me to live my life for you with the consciousness that I die daily in Jesus name. Amen.   For further enquiry and spiritual help, contact Evangelism Faculty, Warri Diocesan Bible/ Mission School. @ 22 Okere Road, Warri. 07068084661